If you wish to further boost your flow and get even better guidance with monitoring, then this is the right place for you.
Pick one of FlowCoaches from the below list to experience effective online flow coaching via skype or other communication means.
They will help you with different topics & explanation with direct integration into any situation of your life.
Milan Hosta PhD.
FlowCode R&D and FEA education expert with over 20 years in integral breathwork practice, retreats and on-line corporate and personal life-enhancing and resilience coaching, int. speaker, guest lecturer & MICE facilitator.
Email contact: / Video presentation
Wilson Melloncelli
FlowCode R&D and FEA education expert, 15+ years of flow coaching experience, one on one online coaching, breathwork expert, martial arts expert, life coach, consultant.
Email contact:
FlowCoach - Meera Nair
FlowCoach with 15 years of experience in the group fitness & wellness industry, Nirvana education expert, speaker, AFFA certification specialist & examiner.
Email contact:
FlowCoach - Joanna Maggs
FlowCoach with 25 years experience in the wellness and natural health industry. Specialising in coaching yoga and yoga philosophy, tai chi, self development and mental awareness and meditation.
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FlowCoach - Vignon Guezo
Vignon Guezo is a kinesiologist with 15 years of experience in therapeutic exercises, conscious movement and breathwork in corporate field, NirvanaFitness® Instructor / Video presentation
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FlowCoach - Janine Tarlecki
FlowCoach with with rich experience in wellness and mental health, pilates specialist, Nirvana fitness instructor & ambassador, sound practicioner.
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FlowCoach - Rita Hurry
FlowCoach with extensive experience in stress management and coaching, which includes meditation sessions to corporate companies in London UK, One to One basis coaching and Flow Mindset techniques.
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FlowCoach - John Van Heel
FlowCoach with more than 35 years entrepreneur within sports, health and lifestyle, career and personal potential development coach, initiator and project manager of New Health 2022, creating a European Lifestyle as medicine knowledge center, academy and network.
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FlowCoach - Nahula Ahmed
FlowCoach with over 20 years of experience in the wellness , Nirvana education specialist, Nirvana instructor, FlowCoach, certified FISAF Fitness Leader and Personal Trainer and Master Trainer, Yoga Teacher.
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FlowCoach - Preethi M
FlowCoach with lifelong experience in wellness and mental health, active Nirvana fitness instructor & ambassador, Clinical Hypnotherapist / Video presentation
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